Benefits:Major anti-oxidant nutrient, retards cellular aging due to oxidation, supplies oxygen to the
blood which is then carried to the heart and other organs, thus alleviating fatigue. Aids in bringing nourishment
to cells, strengthens the capillary walls & prevents the red blood cells from destructive poisons, prevents &
dissolves blood clots, has also been used by doctors in helping prevent sterility, muscular dystrophy,
calcium deposits in blood walls and heart conditions. Heals burns and wounds. Improves muscle
strength, eases menstrual problems. Prevents and treats cancer. Sickle-cell anemia. Beneficial to damaged retinas.
A very powerful antioxidant. Protects the body from free radicals. A natural anticoagulant, it offers some
protection against heart attacks and thrombotic strokes. Useful in the treatment of fibrocystic breast disease,
PMS, and painful or excessive menstruation. It may be applied topically on scars following surgery, burns, and
other skin injuries (do not apply it until wounds have closed). It should be taken if exercising regularly.
Exercising stimulates the body to create free-radicals. Taking 400 IU per day will help counteract the damage.
It may also prevent some of the damage that diabetes does to the body, particularly to the eyes. For disease
prevention, studies show that getting between 200 and 600 IU is necessary for maximum benefit. Vitamin E is also
known as tocopherol; it is an antioxidant. It is also important in the formation of red blood cells and the use
of vitamin K.
Food sources:Nuts and seeds, wheat germ, whole-wheat flour, vegetable oils, spinach.
Recommended daily allowance:30 IU (international units)
Symptoms of deficiency:Lack of vitality, irritability, disinterest in physical activity,
decreased sexual performance, muscle weakness, neurological and reproductive problems. Abnormal fat deposits in
muscles, degenerative changes in the changes in the heart and other muscles. Dry skin.
SPECIAL NOTE: There are several types of Vitamin E available. D-Alpha Tocopherol (100% Natural) is 4 times more
potent in biological activity than d1-Alpha Tocopherol (Synthetic) Vitamin E. For example; 100 I.U. of d-Alpha
(100% Natural) Vitamin E is equal to 400 I.U. d1-Alpha Tocopherol (Synthetic) Vitamin E in biological activity. Natural Vitamin E is derived
from soybeans and synthetic Vitamin E is a petroleum by-product.
Interactions with other substances:Decreases absorption of vitamin E: tobacco, antacids,
cholestyramine, colestipol, mineral oil, sucralfate, iron supplements. May increase spontaneous or hidden
bleeding when taken with: anticoagulants, coumarin- or indandione-type.
Signs of toxicity:Very low toxicity.
Cautions:Don't take mega-doses if pregnant or breast feeding. Consult your doctor if you
have: iron-deficiency anemia, bleeding or clotting problems, cystic fibrosis, liver disease, or an overactive
thyroid. Very high doses(over 800 mg/day) may deplete vitamin-A reserves in the body.
Copyright (c) Natural Diet And Training Systems . All rights reserved. Updated 8/2000